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AxisContr. with outp. stage

Products > Control units
The complete AxisController for our Multi-Controller MCS

It has to intelligently care for any axis. It is "told" which one it is responsible for and what the axles have to do. You have to confirm its "responsibility" when ordering

MCSK11 AxisController with 2,5A-output stage

The equipment components include:

  • 8bit Microcontroller with Firmware - order reception from the Master via the BUS-board, flashable via Master and PC, Motorcontrol and supervision

  • In-/Outputs for the motorcontrol - TTL-inputs for 2 output stages, others are optional

  • Intelligent steppingmotor-output stage - for 2-phase-motors until 2,5A, Microstepping, Current reduction at standstill.

Connection of stepping motor and endswitch

At the axis-controllers there are plug-in connections. According to your order we produce a connection cable with Dsub-socket and plug it to the axis-controller. an. So errors are excluded. There are two groups of connections:

  • Connection to the stepping motor - 4-way shielded

  • Connections to the endswitches - Normally 2-way shielded for each endswitch. With the MCS endswitches are possible at both travel ends. At least the endswitch must be necessary for the reference position. Optionally, optocouplers can be mounted at the inputs.

The endswitches are not included in the delivery.

Digital in-/outputs

According to order, the cables are delivered with connection sockets. For example, when all interfaces for extensions like handwheels are mounted, the cables are connected as you see on the picture

Layout and cooling

According to order, 1 to 7 axis-controllers are aligned one beside the other as shown in the picture and connected to the BUS-board via short cables. The board is fixed by angles to the ground plate having heat contact to it.

In the picture you see 4 Axis-Controllers. The BUS-board is equipped with all relays, not contained in the MCS Basis-Version, but available as option.

Special AxisControllers

For some applications you need special axiscontrollers with different kinds of firmware. Important for orders:

  • AxisController for the C-Axis, if you need a spindle driven by stepping-motor, rotating around the Z-Axis. A ready solution is available, e.g. our machining unit BAE5x

  • AxisController for the U-Axis, if you need an axis driven by stepping-motor in any kind of arrangement (rotating plate, tool-magazine, trigger element and similar).A ready solutions is available, e.g. the turning unit in different types.

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